When your circumstances point you in the direction to file bankruptcy, there are various things to consider both before and after your case is filed. The first thing is to decide which of the 2 types of personal bankruptcy will help you the most. The more common, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy requires that certain assets which…
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Bankruptcy Laws Are Not a New Thing
You may be surprised to find out that as far back as the formation of the United States of America, the Federal government had the foresight to enact a set of rules and relief to help those people and businesses who could not pay back their creditors, found in the United States Constitution (in Article1,…
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What is the problem with too much credit card debt?
How many people do you know who actually carry cash on them any longer? Most people have a few select credit cards in their wallet. In fact credit cards have become something of a necessity in today’s digital market place. For example, try to buy an airline ticket or reserve a car without one; you…
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What Is The Law of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Congress long ago enacted the Chapter 7 bankruptcy law to allow people who are facing significant debt protect their basic property and set up a process to liquidate any unprotected assets in order to pay back their creditors. Once you file a case, a attorney appointed by the U.S. Department of Justice called a bankruptcy…
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